Final Presentation

Thursday, March 4, 2010

2nd Response to Blog

The presentation that i looked at was Kimmy's. I didn't know a whole lot about the history of womens rights, just the general information that most people know. there was a slide in her presentation that didnt have very much on it except two pictures and an arrow. the first picture was of a 60's housewife with an arrow pointing to the second picture of a business woman. i thought that this was a great slide becasue it was simple but it showed how much times have changed. another slide that cought my attention was about Susan B. Anthony. Kimmy said that Susan B. Anthony wanted to vote, so even though the law said that she was not allowed she went ahead and did it anyway. This reminds me of the civil rights movements, becasue it was the same type of thinking, if they dont want us to do something then we will do it anyways and force then to accept it because we wont stop.

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