Final Presentation

Thursday, March 4, 2010

1st Response to Blog

The presentation that i looked at was Laura's. her topic was also about Gays and Lesbians, but she focused on being silent. There was a video in Laura's presentation that really stood out in my mind; it was the slide with all of the different groups of people with something covering their mouths whether it was there hand or a bandana. then there was a video in the center of all of the pictures that showed teens of all different backgrounds, genders, and race just standing there in front of the camera not speaking or doing anything, just standing. This video got me thinking that they probably did this because this is what gays and lesbians must feel like everyday they just go through life without speaking or talking about the biggest part of their life, they are just silent. i think that this was one of the most powerful slides in the whole presentation, becasue when you see a video you are expecting to hear talking or some type of music in the background, and it is surprising when you find out that it wasn't your headphones and that it is supposed to be like that. And then you start to watch the video the way it was presented and it is very moving.

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