Final Presentation

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Same-Sex Marriage Opens the Door for Legalizing Polygamy" - Against

This article talks about how Legalizing same-sex marriages is the wrong thing to do. It talks about how that if we legalize gay marriage that will eventually lead to polygamy (being married to more then one person) being legalized. The person who wrote the article believes that marriage is a social institution, and that stable families are created and depend on it. they also believe that gay marriages will lead to ruin the stable families and create many issues later on. They believe that gay marriages will corrupt children and create unstable families, and children need stable families. The media is showing or telling people that if they are against same-sex marriages that they are homophobes (people who are afraid of homosexuals). the main point the the writer is trying to convey is that "gay marriage will almost certainly weaken the belief that monogamy lies at the heart of marriage." This person is worried that gay marriage will some how blur lines about what they believe is right and wrong. That gay marriage wont be seen as Gay Marriage, but rather as just a marriage between two people. the article is saying that if we as a country give into gay marriage being legalized, then that is just the beginning to many more issues with polygamy, and many other topics alike.

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