Final Presentation

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Gay Marriage Rests, and a Key Ruling Awaits"

This article is about the ruling of gay marriage becoming legal. The idea that the article is talking about is that when and if the court decides on legalizing gay marriage, during that time they want to work on getting the supreme court and every other higher power involved and on their side of getting same-sex marriages legalized. The problem with legalizing gay marriage is that there are still so many people who are against it. in the article it states that "The Southern Baptist Convention describes homosexuality as an 'abomination,'". If this is the opinion of all of the south or a large part of it gay marriage will never be legalized. then the article goes on to talk about how the lawyers who are on the case right now are going to try and convince the courts that the prohibitions against gay marriage is illegal under the constitution. the point that i thought was the best one in the article was when a person stated "who remembers the outcome of the scopes trial? Evolution lost the battle, though it has largely carried the day,". i think this is a great point in the article because it shows that even though people may disagree about the same-sex marriages being legal, this quote is saying that those relationships that people are so desperately trying to get rid of will still exist. If something goes wrong with the legalization of gay marriage nothing will change from what it is today, gays and lesbians will still exist, and civil unions will still go on. So if nothing will change from what is already going on today, then why can society not come to terms with what IS happening. America sees a change ahead so why not speed up the process?,8599,1957505,00.html?xid=rss-topstories

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