Final Presentation

Friday, January 29, 2010

Dont' ask, Don't Tell policy

This policy is a policy that forbids homosexuals who are in the military, to keep their sexual orientation to themselves, and from others who ask about it. This policy gave them the right to be in the military but it also denied them the right to show their homosexuality and to participate in activites, and the lifestyles that come with it. I think that this policy is a good and bad idea. It is a good idea because then the people that are against having gay people in the military aren't aware who is gay and who is not. It is also a good thing because then they do not get discriminated against, or Homophobes who don't want to interact with gays. It is a bad thing because it requires the Homosexuals to be silent, and not be who they truly are. In the year 1993 i think that this was a little surprising that people were still trying to keep them quiet, and that this just happened 16 years ago.
"don't ask, don't tell policy." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. .

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