Final Presentation

Friday, January 29, 2010

Dont' ask, Don't Tell policy

This policy is a policy that forbids homosexuals who are in the military, to keep their sexual orientation to themselves, and from others who ask about it. This policy gave them the right to be in the military but it also denied them the right to show their homosexuality and to participate in activites, and the lifestyles that come with it. I think that this policy is a good and bad idea. It is a good idea because then the people that are against having gay people in the military aren't aware who is gay and who is not. It is also a good thing because then they do not get discriminated against, or Homophobes who don't want to interact with gays. It is a bad thing because it requires the Homosexuals to be silent, and not be who they truly are. In the year 1993 i think that this was a little surprising that people were still trying to keep them quiet, and that this just happened 16 years ago.
"don't ask, don't tell policy." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. .

Gay Rights

The article that i read is called "Gay Rights". the article talks about how gays have always been discrinated against, but when people came out in the 1970's they have the legal rights to equal employment, and partner benefits, which are things that they did not have before that. Discrination is traced back as far as 1533 in england, when they passed the Buggery act. the buggary act "made homosexual intercourse a capital offence punishable by hanging". this caused most homosexuals to hide it because they were scared of the repracussions. closer to the 20th century more of the homosexuals became more open about their sexuality. As more people became open about their homosexuality people started to see it as a problem, and it was viewed as deviant behavior, and a threat to the stibility of American Culture. Gays soon became an open target for the police to arrest them for something. More than 500 gay men were being arrested in New York annualy. By limiting the presence of the homosexuals in the public scene the state authorities thought it would be a good idea to put homosexuals into invisability. Everything started to change for homosexuals in the 1970's when activists began to challenge the federal and state laws. The Lawrence v. Texas (2003) case changed alot, it changed the antisodomy laws to be unconstitutional. even after the Lawrence v. Texas the antisodomy laws were still in the books in thirteen states, most of which were in the south. then in 1986 the Bowers v. Hardwick case argued that the right to privacy did not extend to the homosexuals, the court agreed with them, but seventeen years later that was overturned. everything started to turn over for the homosexuals after that. In the year 2000 the state of Vermont was the first state to legalize same-sex unions. Then in San Francisco marrige liscenses were being given to same-sex couples, but that was soon put to a stop, and those marrige licenses that were given out became illegal. In the 2004 election banning gay marriges became a heated topic in the political debates. 11 states most of which were red states (republican) voted to amend the constitution to ban gay marrige. Most of the dificulties that gays and lesbians have had over the years is trying to legalize same-sex marriges and relationships. Today there are more then 30 million gays and lesbians in the United States are fighting for social, economic and political rights. The question that i have is, will homosexuals ever get the rights that they have been fighting for for many years?
"gay rights." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. ."gay rights." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2010. .

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gay & Lesbian Rights

The topic that i was assigned for the research project was Gays & Lesbians. I was interested in this topic because it is a popular current issue that is gaining popularity in the united states today. What i already know about the topic is that many people who are gay are discriminated against every day of their lives. it used to be illegal to even be in a relationship with someone of the same sex, but now in most states it is just illegal to get married to someone of the same sex. Many people all over frown upon same-sex mariges or even relationships, which creates the controversy about this topic. the questions that i have about this topic, is that have there been any changes over the past few years? and if so what were they?

President Obama's State of the Union Adress

Last night when I watched the State of the Union Address, one thing that caught my attention was President Obama's talk about College. Being a junior in high school, I have started to look at perspective colleges, and one of the first things that I look for is how much it costs annually to go there. Obama talked about bringing the Elementary and Secondary Education act back to life. This plan will give a $10,000 tax credit to families who have a child going to college to increase the Pell grants. This bill will also help out the students who are graduating too, Obama talked about 1 million students only having to pay 10 percent of their student loans, and that all of the debt from their student’s loans will be forgiven in 20 years, and only 10 years if they choose a job in public service. He suggests that the colleges also help in cutting costs, and not just the government who is giving all of these breaks in costs. When he says that "they will be required to pay only 10 percent of their income on student loans, and all of their debt will be forgiven after 20 years — and forgiven after 10 years if they choose a career in public service, because in the United States of America, no one should go broke because they chose to go to college." is he suggesting that the United States Government pay for the left over money that is not being paid? And if so how are they going to do that if they are in debt themselves? I like the idea that Obama has about paying off student loans but in the long run how is that going to help anyone out? 1 million students won’t have to pay their student loans after 20 years, but what about the 1 million students after them? If the government pays for the student loans doesn't this mean that our everyday taxes will be raised even more than they already are to help pay for the debts that our country has, and now the student loans will be added to that cost. In the end it sounds like this plan is more of a theory then a plan that will work out for everyone in the country.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Life is Average...

"Yesterday, I bet my friend $10 that I could guess any number I hold behind my back. I made $10. MLIA"