Final Presentation

Thursday, March 4, 2010

3rd Response to Blog

The next presentation that i looked at was Sammy's. Her topic was about polution and environment. I know that we have a polution problem in the world, and that the more polution that accumulates the more it eats away at our ozone layer, which could potentially destroy our planet in the long run. But i didn't know that polution was so bad in countries that it caused birth defects. there was a video that i watched in Sammy's presentation about how pesticides can affect people. there were pictures of baby's with no arms and no legs, because there parents worked in tomato fields before giving birth to them. there are so many pesticides in the fields that the workers work in that it gets into there system and pollutes there bodies. i only knew about the polution of the earth, and this video showed me that there is also human bodies being poluted too. another video that was very empowering was a video that said that 30.3% of the polution in the owrld is casued by the U.S.A. and that 33% of chinease people live in cites with such bad air polution that it is equivilent to smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day. In russia the smog is so heavy on some nights you cant even see the stars. In Mexico the polution is so heavy that kids when they draw the sky in pictures they rarely use the color blue. all of these statements are very sad to me, because none of them should be true. you should be able to see the stars at night, and draw the sky blue, and be able to live in a city where your not having to worry about getting lung cancer becasue of the area you live in. this video really effected my opinion about polution, it is a huge problem in the world and i dont think that people understand how much it is affecting our world.

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